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Henan Kailong 2011-2012 annual business summary meeting

Writer: KAILONG Time:2012-01-10 Browse:

Henan Kailong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. held a grand 2011-2012 annual business summary meeting in Hongrun Huaxia multi-functional hall on January 7, 2012. More than 400 employees of the company participated in the meeting, which was presided over by director Liang of the marketing department and delivered the opening speech by general manager Bai. Relevant directors of each functional department made a report on the work of the year and put forward the work plan for 2012 And each Minister shall make an annual summary report for each department.
The conference also presented awards to employees with outstanding performance in the business to recognize their work in 2011 and encourage them to continue their work in 2012.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Duan made a summary speech on the business situation of the company in 2011, and looked forward to the work plan of each department in 2012.
The meeting ended successfully in a passionate and harmonious atmosphere.


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